We are thankful you have connected with us online and we pray you will visit us in person! We
are a body of believers whose faith is anchored in the truth of the scriptures, and the
sovereignty of a loving God!!
We are a loving family who joyfully serves The Lord and strive to grow through discipleship.
We worship The Lord in spirit and truth according to the scriptures. John 4:24
We believe The Lords church is purchased with His blood, Acts 20:28, and the church is under
the authority of Jesus Christ Ephesians 1:22!
Come visit us as a guest but our hope is you will stay as family. Our engaging bible classes are
geared towards strengthening discipleship and equipping one another to share the good news
of our risen savior. If you’re seeking greater understanding through a personal bible class or
your looking for a congregation to call home, we are here to help you in your walk of faith!
In The Grip of His Service
Christopher A. Bradley
Mark your calendars for these great events coming up.